A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Marielle Heller, USA, 2019o


The cynical journalist Lloyd Vogel reluctantly accepts a commission from Esquire magazine to write a portrait of Fred Rogers, who captured entire generations of American children with his television show "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" (1968-2001). In his conversations with Rogers, however, he meets a completely different man than he had expected. They change his attitude to life forever.

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood doesn’t reinvent the Rogers mythos, and even its innovative devices fall short of rescuing the material from some of the more obvious revelations. Fortunately, it’s not devoid of payoff. The wondrous closing scene, a wordless moment with Rogers after the production wraps up for the day, arrives as a final poetic gesture. It’s a reminder that this sweet, unassuming movie has deeper sensibilities lurking beneath its surface, just like Rogers himself.

Eric Kohn

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood side-steps any attempt to get under the skin of its subject, concentrating instead on the idea of Mr Rogers and what he represented to several decades of American children. It’s a group therapy session of a movie which delivers its folksy wisdom with a song and a smile. (…) Even in territories where audiences are unfamiliar with Fred Rogers’ hokey appeal, the film’s humour, its amiable charm offensive and its gentle weirdness should disarm all but the most cynical.

Wendy Ide

Le récit est à l’image de l’acteur nommé pour sa performance à l’Oscar du meilleur second rôle : bienveillant, modeste et délicat.

Stéphanie Belpêche

L'extraordinaire Mr. Rogers déborde d'humanité, interroge sur les concepts d'éducation, de famille et traite subtilement de la parentalité comme une seconde jeunesse, un nouveau départ. Le long-métrage s'impose comme un film parfait pour rester confiné et respirer un bon coup. Une belle surprise.

La Rédaction


La Croix, 4/21/2020
All rights reserved La Croix. Provided by La Croix Archiv

Movie Datao

Other titles
Der wunderbare Mr. Rogers DE
Un ami extraordinaire FR
Drama, Period piece
Running time
109 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating7.2/10
IMDB user:
7.2 (88116)
< 10 votes
< 3 votes q

Cast & Crewo

Tom HanksFred Rogers
Matthew RhysLloyd Vogel
Chris CooperJerry Vogel


Review La Croix
Céline Rouden
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